How to Use the Auto Steam-Cleaning Feature on Your UC-PS38 Range Hood
Regularly cleaning your appliances is key to keeping them in good shape and running at their best. But how do you clean the thing that does the cleaning? Cleaning a range hood used to be a time-consuming, messy job. All of that grease has to go somewhere! Hauslane’s UC-PS38 range hood takes the “ick” out of the process with its auto steam-cleaning feature.

Here’s How to Use the Auto Steam-Cleaning Feature in 5 Simple Steps:
1. Gently remove the oil tray from the back.

2. Use the water tray that came with the range hood. Fill the middle section of the water tray up to the water level mark.

3. Insert the water tray back into place. Make sure the tray has a tight seal after inserting for proper function.

4. Turn on the range hood (far right power button). Touch and hold the auto steam clean button (on the far left) for 3-5 seconds to start the 3-minute steam-cleaning process. (Note: This process may be noisy. High-pressure water is spraying onto the fan wheels while they are spinning. Since the steam is ventilated out, you may not notice any steam but you will see dirty water fill the tray as the function runs.)

5. When the cleaning process is complete, turn off the range hood and remove the water tray once more to dispose of the dirty water. Save the tray aside for your next cleaning session.

6. Reattach the oil tray.

Viola! Cleaning session complete. We recommend to use the auto-clean feature every two weeks at minimum to keep things clean.
How Does it Work?
The range hood uses steam to melt away any solidified grease inside the range hood. Then, it activates a water-cleaning process to make things sparkling clean. The process leaves your range hood more efficient and hygienic while lengthening the life of the range hood’s motor.
Want a closer look at the steam-cleaning process? Check out this short video on the auto steam-clean feature on the UC-PS38.